The Carolinas Chapter of the
Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists
Dinner Meeting in Greensboro
Speaker: Vincent Cronin, PhD, 2022-2023 Jahns Distinguished Lecturer and Professor Emeritus, Baylor Universit
Topic: How Can Engineering Geology Help Society Meet the Challenge of a Changing Climate?
Place: Red Oak Brewery; 6901 Konica Drive; Whitsett, NC
Date: Thursday, Oct. 19, 2023
Time: 6 p.m. socializing begins, 7 p.m. buffet dinner, 8 p.m. Vince’s talk
Cost: AEG members $35; non-members $50; public-sector employees and teachers $20. Registration will be $5 more at the door. Students free w/ college ID.
Reservations: Please make reservations by 6 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 13, 2023.