
The Carolinas Chapter of AEG supports many of its activities with financial assistance provided by our sponsors. We offer several levels of sponsorship, but they all have one goal: to keep the sponsor’s name in front of our members and to bring you business. We have a real commitment to connecting our sponsors to potential buyers and will do all we can to help you build your business. Most of our members are practicing professionals with responsibility for selecting subcontractors, so our group is a great place to find new customers and to catch up with existing clients in an informal setting.

Our sponsors provide the financial support that allows us to have reasonably priced dinner meetings, host seminars, provide discounted dinner meeting costs for students, underwrite the cost of newsletters and our web site, provide geoscience mentors for students and young professionals, and support science education tools to our teachers and in our schools.  Members are urged to contact these sponsors of our chapter when they the require professional expertise our sponsors can provide.  A sponsor application is HERE. Or click HERE to become a sponsor online.


Enviro-Equipment, Inc. Rand Ratterree, rand@enviroequipment.com; www.enviroequipment.com


Eastern Solutions. Edgar Alcaraz, 803-746-5180,
ealcaraz@easternsolutionsenv.com; www.easternsolutionsenv.com.
Enthalpy Analytical. Adam Phillips, 919-451-3370,
adam.phillips@enthalpy.com; www.enthalpy.com
M&W Drilling, LLC. Chris Schappell, 865-690-0128, cschappell@mwdrillingllc.com; www.mwdrillingllc.com
Schnabel Engineering, Inc. Hawkins Gagnon,
jgagnon@schnabel-eng.com; www.schnabel-eng.com
Waypoint Analytical. Troy Davis, 704-386-8131, tdavis@waypointanalytical.com; www.waypointanalytical.com


Contaminant Control, Inc. Sam Vestal, 704-273-1500,
samuel.vestal@cci-env.com; www.cci-env.com
FRx. Drew Baird, 864-546-9449, dbaird@frx-inc.com; www.frx-inc.com.com
Geologic Exploration. Matt Tischler, 800-752-8853, mtischler@gexnc.com; www.geologicexploration.com
Hart & Hickman. John Lopez, 704-887-4628, jlopez@harthickman.com; www.harthickman.com
JennTec. Jennifer B. Thomas, 704-491-7724, jen@jenntecllc.com; www.jenntecllc.com


Buckeye Elm Contracting, LLC. Natalia Besswanger,
nataliab@buckeye-elm.com; www.buckeye-elm.com
EDR Lightbox. Todd Elmore, 706-818-3310, telmore@edrnet.com; www.lightboxre.com
EGIS, PA. Mike L. Vaught, 919-929-8363, gwinvest@juno.com; www.waterwellvideos.com
ERIS. Garrett Rosenbaum, grosenbaum@erisinfo.com; www.erisinfo.com
ESP Associates, Inc. Ned Billington, 336-420-5452, geophysics@espassociates.com; www.espassociates.com
Eurofins. Candace Smith, 704-572-0164,
Candace.Smith@et.eurofinsus.com; www.eurofins.com
Pace Analytical. Korey Drew, 704-315-8068, Korey.Drew@pacelabs.com; www.pacelabs.com
Peak Hydrogeologic, PLLC. Jonathan Gerst, 828-817-5209, jgerst@peakhydrogeologic.com; www.peakhydrogeologic.com
Pine Environmental Services, LLC. T. Luke Davis, 919-713-0008, tdavis@pine-environmental.com; www.pine-environmental.com
Pyramid Geophysics. Eric Cross, 336-335-3174, eric@pyramidenvironmental.com; www.PyramidGeophysics.com
SAEDACCO. Pete Byer, 803-548-2180, pbyer@saedacco.com; www.saedacco.com
SGS North America Inc. Paul Konnik, 551-238-0167,
paul.konnik@sgs.com; www.www.sgs.com
Subhorizon Geologic Resources LLC. Jim Stroud, 336-416-3656,
stroudjr@subhorizonresources.com; www.subhorizonresources.com
Titan Environmental Group, LLC. Al King, 984-200-6825,
aking@tegusa.com; www.titanenvirogroup.com
Wind River Environmental. Jeremy DeVore, 336-706-9632,
jdevore@wrenvironmental.com; www.wrenvironmental.com