AEG Carolinas Dinner Meeting in Raleigh – March 30, 2023

AEG Carolinas Dinner Meeting – March 30, 2023
The Carolinas Chapter of the
Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists

Dinner Meeting – March 30, 2023

Guest Speaker: Dr. Stanley R. Riggs, Coastal Marine Geologist

AEG Carolinas presents a special geologist, probably not known well (if at all) by many of the younger members of our profession. However, most professionals in North Carolina are probably aware of the issues presented to our coastline by rising sea levels/climate change, and the damage from hurricanes that includes regularly rebuilding parts of NC 12 and renourishing beaches, and how this issue has become political. Come hear Dr. Riggs talk about our changing coastline and his view of what the future holds.

Presentation: North Carolina’s Watery World: From Past to Present to Future

Place: The patio at Clouds Brewing, 126 N. West Street in Raleigh

Date: Thursday, March 30, 2023

Time: 5:30 p.m. socializing begins, 7 p.m. buffet dinner, 8 p.m. Stan’s talk

Cost: AEG and ASCE members $35; non-members $45; public-sector employees and teachers $20. Students free w/ college ID.

Reservations: Please make reservations and prepay by 6 p.m. on Monday, March 27, 2023.

Registration will be $5 more at the door. Students – register by emailing meeting planner Rick Kolb by March 27, 2023.

Continuing Education: The NCBLG has preapproved AEG Carolinas to offer 1 CE credit for Stan’s presentation.


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AEG Dinner Meeting March 30, 2023